Multi-Line Selling Support

We Help Manufacturers, Reps, and Distributors, Too!

Our original software program, Repfabric, is a CRM solution specifically designed for multi-line sales reps, created by sales reps, we quickly realized we weren’t the only ones we could support with our platform. Manufacturers and wholesalers/distributors also sell different product lines and brands, which means they also need the ability to track sales across multiple lines! From this, Distifabric and Manufabric were born.

In this video, Scott Stockham gives you a look at his favorite report for managing multiple manufacturers and how you can use this easily accessible data to help make informed decisions about what’s working and what’s not so your team is spending their time wisely.

A couple more universally useful platform features:

  • Email integration for syncing your Outlook or Gmail contacts and calendar to Manufabric, unlocking the ability to create opportunities right within your inbox.
  • Mobile app for managing customer and sales data on-the-go, documenting sales calls via voice-to-text, and finding nearby clients on the map for making the most of your time on the road.